Munich/Germany – 16th of March 2018. A lecture hold by Dr. Melissa Farley.
This expert presentation ( speech) and following expert panel is about offering an unsparing view of what prostitution really is: violence against women. Discuss with the panelists.
Introduction and welcome by Renate Uzun-Raming, sociologist and member of the FrauenTherapieZentrum
Dr. Melissa Farley, US researcher, head of the organization „Prostitution Research and Education“, author of several works on prostitution as well as head researcher in international studies on women in prostitution and on the buyers.
Dr. Ingeborg Kraus, therapist for psycho-traumatology who works with survivors of prostitution and who explains what prostitution can do to people.
Marie Merklinger, survivor of prostitution, activist with SPACE international, Germany
Sandra Norak, survivor of prostitution and activist, member of SISTERS e.V. Germany.
Moderator: Dr. Inge Kleine, Kofra – Kommunikationszentrum für Frauen zur Arbeits- und Lebenssituation.