The CCARHT Summer Symposium 2019
The Several Rs of Trafficking Research.
Research, Risks and Rewards, Refugees, Returns, Removals, Rights, Remedy, Reparation, Reporting, Response, Religion.
Hosted at Judge Business School – University of Cambridge
July 1st to 5th 2019: Week long Senior Symposium.
Opportunity for Graduates in relevant Social Science, Legal, Economics, Technical disciplines to engage with Senior Researchers, Directors of Research and counter-trafficking Projects, Enforcement and Protection personnel. This is an invaluable opportunity for exploring in more depth some of the leading challenges presented by the human rights contraventions, illicit and criminal activities, human harm inflicting and cisruptive ‘trading cycle’ represented by Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery contraventions, in global and national perspective.
I will be talking on Thursday on the panel Recovery:
Dr Ingeborg Kraus, Trauma Expert, Germany
Dr Halleh Seddighzadeh Specialist Trauma Psychologist Executive Director. Arman Centre
Dr Kalyani Gopal Trauma Psychologist: President SAFE network US
Here is the complete program: Program Summer Symposium