Archives de catégorie : Èvènement

Prostitution and trafficking in women: Croatian, French and German experiences

CROATIA / Zagreb

3 December 2018, 3 pm – 6 pm

Kino Europa, Varšavska 3, Zagreb

Center for Women War Victims – ROSA from Zagreb and Women’s Association „IZVOR“ from Tenja, in partnership with the French Embassy to Croatia, are organizing a round table on the following issue: “Prostitution and trafficking in women: what are the key legislative approaches to prostitution and what are their impact in the society?”

Prostitution is a social issue where countries, even within Europe, have implemented extremely diverse legal arsenals. Moreover, in recent years, several European countries have significantly changed their approach toward prostitution. Germany, for instance, has chosen to legalize prostitution in January 2002, while France has passed a law that decriminalize persons in prostitution and criminalize buyers of sex in April 2016. A few years after these new legislation frameworks have been implemented, what lessons can be drawn in France and in Germany? How could this comparative analysis contribute to feed the debate in Croatia?

The aim of this event is to emphasize the reality of position of women in prostitution, by highlighting the relationship between prostitution and trafficking of women but also the consequences on the physical and psychological health of women in prostitution. For this purpose, a documentary film by Christian P. Stracke’s „Bordell Deutschland“ will be screened at the beginning of the discussion.

French Ambassador to Croatia Corinne Meunier and Ombudswomen for Gender Equality Višnja Ljubičić will give introductory speeches. Continuer la lecture

COLLOQUE EUROPÉEN – Assemblée nationale – Paris 24 mai 2018

Prostitution et traite des êtres humains en France et en Europe : état des lieux et perspectives comparées pour mettre fin à ces formes de violence et d’exploitation sexuelles.

Jeudi 24 mai, 9h00 à 13h30 Salle Colbert, Assemblée nationale

Programme et intervenant.e.s

9h-09h45 : Accueil et ouverture

  • Marlène Schiappa, Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Egalité entre les Femmes et les Hommes (sous réserve)
  • Danielle Bousquet, présidente du Haut Conseil à l’Egalité entre les Femmes et les Hommes
  • Pierre Cabaré, député, Vice-président de la délégation aux Droits des Femmes de l’Assemblée nationale

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Voici le résultat de la commission de la condition de la femme à l’ONU à New York: une lettre ouverte à Angela Merkel, signée par 98 ONG!

Le 23 mars 2015

À l’attention de la Très honorable Angela Merkel, chancelière allemande

Madame la Chancelière Merkel,

2015 marque le 20e anniversaire de la Quatrième Conférence mondiale sur les femmes à Beijing, en septembre 1995.

Dans le cadre de la Commission des Nations Unies sur la condition de la femme et de la commémoration de la Plate-forme d’action de Beijing, des centaines d’organisations œuvrant pour la promotion et la protection de l’égalité pour les femmes sont à New York pour évaluer et discuter des progrès réalisés pour les droits des femmes et des filles au cours des 20 dernières années.

Parmi les défis à l’égalité pour les femmes existent de nombreuses formes de discrimination contre les femmes, leur pauvreté, ainsi que leur exploitation sexuelle qui sous-tend leur manque de statut et opportunités dans le monde entier.

C’est dans ce contexte que nous vous demandons de veiller à ce que l’Allemagne ratifie enfin la Convention des droits de l’homme de l’ONU pour la répression de la traite des êtres humains et de l’exploitation de la prostitution d’autrui. Cette convention a été approuvée par l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies dans sa résolution 317 (IV) du 2 décembre 1949 et est entrée en vigueur le 25 juillet 1951. Sa ratification par l’Allemagne est attendue depuis beaucoup trop longtemps.

Continuer la lecture

Commission on the Status of Women 2015 in New York

9. – 20.03.2015 – UN Headquarter – New York, USA –


The fifty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 9 to 20 March 2015. Representatives of Member States , UN entities, and ECOSOS-accredited non-governmental organizations (NGO) from all regions of the world attend the session.

Mrs Taina Bien-Aimé, Executive Director of CATW (, will moderate following panel:

20 Years After Beijing: Prostitution, Sex Trafficking and the Question for Equality  –  New Voices, New Models, New Solutions  –

Panelists are: Dr. Ingeborg Kraus (Initiator of the Appeal « Stop Sexbuying » of the German Trauma Experts), Rachel Moran (founder and director of SPACE INternational, Author of « Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution »), Vednita Carter (also a « Survivor », founder and directorof « Breaking Free » in Minnesota) und Dr. Melissa Farley (founder and director of « Prostitution Research and Education »).Please look here for further information:

International Congress for the Abolution of Prostitution – Munich

Stop Sexbuying: From 5th until 7th of December 2014 in munich

Women in prostitution experience the use of their bodies by unknown men between once and 20 to 30 times a day. Together with Sweden we view this reality as violence against women. An event offering information and raising awareness as regards the concrete situation of these women and the physical, psychological and mental consequences for them is absolutely necessary. Women who have succeeded in exiting prostitution are increasingly voicing their experiences. They report having to dissociate their feelings and reactions, having to function like a machine in order to go through the degradation and pains that they are subjected to by constant vaginal, anal and oral penetration. They report having learned this technique of dissociation through childhood violence. They hoped to finally gain control of the situation and thus power by repeating the trauma as an independent decision. The opposite then happens: the trauma is perpetuated by recurrent repetition.

Following Panels on Saturday 6th address the Problem of Trauma and Prostitution:

The Reality of Prostitution: Survivors tell the truth: 

Rachel Moran, Space International, Dublin; Tanja Rahm, Denmark, “Marie”, Germany; Jana Koch-Krawczak, Germany. Moderation: Dr. Ingeborg Kraus, Germany.

Trauma. Traumatisation as cause and consequences of prostitution

Dr. Muriel Salmona, Psychotraumatologin, Paris: Michaela Huber, Psychotraumatology, Kassel; Dr. Ingeborg Kraus, psychologist, Karlsruhe; Tanja Rahm, survivor and therapist, danmark. Moderation: Dr. Ingeborg Kraus, Germany.

 You can read the whole program here:  conception for a congress against prostitution.2.