International Abolitionist Conference
Towards a true abolitionism
May 17th, 18th and 19th, 2018 – Buenos Aires, Argentina
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
Centro Cultural General San Martín, rooms C and D, 1551 Sarmiento Street.
Organizing Committee: Trece Rosas; Furia Trava; Red Alto al Tráfico y a la Trata (RATT Argentina); Taller abierto de historia de género, Cát. Historia Argentina III B, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, University of Buenos Aires; Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios e Investigaciones de América Latina (INDEAL); Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, University of Buenos Aires; Instituto de Historia de España Claudio Sánchez Albornoz, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, University of Buenos Aires; Centro de Estudios e Investigación en Ciencias Sociales (CEICS).
Schedule of Activities:
THURSDAY, May 17th. Centro Cultural General San Martín, Room D
- 16:00 to 18:00. 1. Session: Communication Strategies: Ideology, Art and Media
Collantes, Graciela and Sol Benavente: “Communicating with The People and Abolitionism”
Rodríguez Ramos, Sandra: “Media treatment regarding information about victims of human trafficking and prostitution”.
Gluzman, Georgina: “Art and Prostitution in Argentina: Notes for a Visual History (1911-1950)”
Silva dos Santos, Ariane: “Quem pode falar? a regulamentação da prostituição e suas estratégias narrativas” (“Who is entitled to speak up? The Regulation of Prostitution and its Narrative Strategies”). Lecture in Portuguese.
Periodistas de Argentina en Red por una comunicación no sexista (Red Par, Network of Journalists in Argentina for Non-Sexist Language in Communication): “Obstacles and challenges to be overcome for establishing the abolitionist discourse in the media. Decalogue for the journalistic treatment of human trafficking”.
Introduction of the representatives of the Convening Organizations: Caminos, Viviana (RATT Argentina); Guimaraes García, Florencia (Furia Trava) y López Rodriguez, Rosana (Trece Rosas–Razón y Revolución).
Presenters: Dr. Ingeborg Kraus (Psychotherapist specialised in Trauma), Amelia Tiganus (survivor, activist, member of the team feminicidio.net) and Delia Escudilla (survivor and activist)
FRIDAY, May 18TH, Centro Cultural General San Martín, Room D
- 14:00 to 16:00. Session: The Pimping Culture in Capitalism and under Patriarchy
Castellú, María Delfina: “Sexual Politics, the Pimping Ideology”.
Chiarotti, Susana: “Connections between Prostitution, Pimping and Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation”.
Daaji, Sodfa: “The culture of silence: Between traditions and victim blaming” (in English)
Nadaja, Mariana: “The Growth of Demand for Prostitution in the neoliberal context”.
Zabalegui, Malena: “Prostitutes and The Powerful: A Success of Patriarchy”.
- 16:00 to 18:00. Art and Research as Abolitionist Strategies
Presentation of Flores de la gran ciudad (Spanish translation of Big City Violets) by Hanuka Lohrengel; The Pimping of Prostitution by Julie Bindel; La herencia (“The Heritage”), by Rosana López Rodriguez; XY, Teatro de mujeres sobre mujeres (“XY, Theatre of women about women”), by Ariana Caruso and Sergio Lobo, Sofía Wilhelmi, Azul Lombardía; Violación consentida. La prostitución sin maquillaje, una autobiografía (“Consented rape. Prostitution without makeup, an autobiography”) by Delia Escudilla. Presentation of the authors.
- 18:00 to 20:00. Panel: Prostitution, Trafficking and Human Trafficking in Latin America
Karla González (Alliance in Puerto Rico against Human Trafficking), Viviana Caminos (RATT Argentina), Rosana López Rodriguez (Trece Rosas), Rita Hernández (Commission United Against Human Trafficking and Coalition for the Abolition of Prostitution, Mexico).
- 20:00 to 22:00. Prostitution, Trafficking and Human Trafficking in Europe
Ingeborg Kraus, (Psychotherapist specialised in Trauma), Amelia Tiganus (Survivor, activist, member of feminicidio.net), Ángela Vallina (Eurodeputy, Member of European Parliament)
SATURDAY, May 19th, Centro Cultural General San Martín, Rooms C and D
- 10:00 to 13:00. Room D. Trauma and Prostitution. Lecture and discussion with Ingeborg Kraus, in English.
- 10:00 to 13:00. Room C. Workshop for educators. Trafficking and Prostitution within the School Setting.
- 13:00 to 14:00. Room C. Presentation of the book La Roy, revolución de una trava (“Roy, the revolution of a transvestite”), by Florencia Guimaraes García
- 13:00 to 14:00. Room D. Presentation of the book Sexo oral. Relaciones carnales entre sexualidad y lenguaje (“Carnal relationships between sexuality and language”) by Malena Zabalegui. Analysis: Noelia Langle.
- 14:00 to 15:00. Room D. Presentation of the book Yo elijo (“I choose”) by Elena Moncada. Analysis: Mariel Rosciano.
- 15:00 to 17:00. Room D. The Testimony as a Tool of Struggle: from Survivor to Militant.
Presenters: Delia Escudilla, Deborah Mazzon, Elena Moncada, Amelia Tiganus, Florencia Guimaraes García.
- 15:00 to 17:00. Room C. Session: Public Policies, Legislation and Citizenship centered on Human Trafficking and Prostitution.
López, Daniela: “Diana Sacayán Law and Abolitionism”.
Hernández, Rita: “Public policies to discourage the demand which favours human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of women and children”.
Perugino, Silvina: “The John’s Law: A critical analysis of the legislative proposals which aim to legalize the pimping system in Argentina”.
Marcos, Santiago: “Abolitionism: Pragmatic alternatives of real crystallisation”.
Bulba, Olga Graciela: “Prostitution in the collective imagination and its naturalization. Abolition as a system in its approach to the construction of citizenship”.
- 17:00 to 19:00. Room C. Panel: Public policies and locally based work in Argentina
Graciela Collantes and Evelyn Morales from Asociación de Mujeres por los DD.HH. (AMADH in Spanish, Women’s Association in defense of Human Rights) and Marcelo Colombo, prosecutor in Procuraduría de Trata y Explotación de personas (PROTEX, Lawyer’s Office against Human Trafficking and Exploitation).
- 17:00 to 19:00. Room D. Session: History of the Debates around Prostitution
Artazo, Gabriela, Bard Wigdor, Gabriela: “The Sex Industry: A History of its debate, genealogy, disruption and crisis”.
Bruno, Deborah, Pulleiro, Laura. “The Position of the Bolshevik Party (1917-1922) on Prostitution”.
Taberne, Eva: “Prostitution from the viewpoint of the anarchist women of La Voz de la Mujer(The Voice of The Woman, 1896-1897)”.
Cooperativa Meraki: “Continuity: The contradictions between the prevention of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (CSECA) and the regulation of prostitution”.
- 19:00 to 22:00. Room D. Closing Session: The project for regulating prostitution: A debate with the abolitionist women legislators